Increase in lottery licence limits

Many clubs and societies, particularly a huge number of local sporting organisations across the country, raise much needed funds by holding weekly lotteries. These lotteries require a licence granted by the local District Court. For many years the maximum prize that could be at stake in any individual draw or series of draws over the […]

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D-Day for companies approaching

The mammoth Companies Act 2014 is expected to come into force on 1 June 2015. It is a significant update to company law and directors should familiarise themselves with the changes it introduces. The vast majority of Irish companies are private companies limited by shares and they will have the option for a number of […]

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Clampers now regulated

After many years of complaints about the activities of vehicle clampers the Vehicle Clamping Act 2015 now regulates the hated activity and, importantly, allows for the setting of maximum clamp and release fees and provides for a complaints and appeal mechanism. The Act designates the National Transport Authority as the regulator of clampers though, interestingly, […]

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Changes to child and family law not yet activated

Much of the debate about the marriage referendum has been focussed on family law issues but the referendum itself will not affect these. Significant changes have already been introduced, not by any laws connected to the referendum, but by the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015. The Act makes changes to the law on adoption […]

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