Tag Archivesbusiness


Newcastle West Enterprise Town

The Bank of Ireland Enterprise Town business, sport and community expo takes place in Newcastle West this Friday and Saturday. This is an exciting event for the town, aimed at showcasing everything Newcastle West and the surrounding area has to offer. Along with a huge range of businesses from the area that will be present, […]

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Laptop computer and coffee in the garden

A taste of childhood, and intellectual property in recipes

Sharon Noonan, from Ballymena but now resident in Newcastle West, hosts the excellent Best Possible Taste show on West Limerick 102 FM and has produced a fantastic radio documentary about a hidden slice of Irish food history: Devlin’s Yellowman, a homemade toffee made by Sharon’s family and sold at the Lammas Fair in Ballycastle. In […]

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Hipster home office

5 tips for dealing with intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) is an area of the law that we are all affected by, often in many small ways we might not realise. Why is Bulmers called Magners in England? Why are only older drugs available from generic manufacturers? Why are some TV shows available on Netflix in the US, but not Ireland? IP […]

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Hipster home office

5 tips for hiring employees

In recent years many people left employment for one reason or another and set up a business of their own. With some parts of the economy recovering, some of these businesses are now growing. Moving from lone trader to employer is a positive step and also a significant legal one, as a raft of employment […]

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Family farm transfers and the phasing out of consanguinity relief

An important relief from stamp duty frequently availed of in transferring family farms is in the process of being phased out. Anyone considering a farm transfer should be aware of the rules and consider whether they affect future plans. Known as consanguinity relief, the rule halves the rate of stamp duty (from 2% to 1% […]

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Succession planning still an issue for Irish family businesses

PwC have published an interesting survey on family businesses which has a global scope but also has significant conclusions in relation to Irish businesses. The survey covers a range of issues including growth, going digital and the increase in professional management of family businesses. A striking finding, however, is that only 1 in 10 of […]

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